Figure Kits and Accessories:
- Pegaso Models: 75-104 Roman Centurion 1st century A.D.
- Pegaso Models: 75-109 Roman Legionary: Dacian Wars 101-106 A.D.
- Pegaso Models: 75-110 Dacian Warrior 101-106 A.D.
Diorama Kits:
- Woodland Scenics Five Pine Trees (TK23)
Paints and Materials:
Vallejo and Tamiya acrylics, Hobby Color, printer’s ink (a MUST for armor) Mig filters and washes, oil paint. Archer eyes. Only works on this scale for me.
Diorama Base:
Noch grass / Plumosa Fern (scene factory), Woodland Scenics rock molds w/ Hydrocal and “painted” with Timberline Scenic co. Rock Rite, Joefix Studio grass, Hudson and Allen debris. Etc.

See the Diorama
The Dacian Wars